September 2024 – Helen Tarr

Another good turn out from society members to witness Helen Tarr demonstrate her method for still life painting in oils, using a fairly light impressionist style of flowers in a jar..

About Helen Tarr:

Helen Tarr is a professional artist, originally from Gloucestershire, currently living in the National Forest area of East Staffordshire.

She specialises in alla prima oil paintings (painted in one session) either out in the landscape or from still-life subjects in the studio. Her larger paintings are inspired by the many photographs taken on her daily walks. She also sketches in the landscape, where she explores ideas and locations for plein air (in the open air) paintings throughout the year.

Helen enjoyed drawing throughout her childhood and would sketch life on the farm where she grew up. Encouraged by her art teachers at school, she studied an Art and Design Foundation course at Gloscat in Cheltenham, a Fine Art BA (Hons) at North Staffs Polytechnic and an MA in Fine Art at UCE, Birmingham. She writes regular demonstration articles for The Artist magazine and is a qualified art tutor with over 20 year’s teaching experience. She has exhibited her paintings in many group exhibitions and competitions and has work in art collections across the UK, mainland Europe and North America.

All of Helen’s paintings are a search for connection; to the viewer, to the changing seasons and to the natural world.

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