The 2025 programme is here!

Date Event Artist/Attendees Event Summary Additional Information
09-Jan-25 Committee Meeting Committee Sara’s House – Prep for AGM  
13-Jan-25 Demonstration Mikk Murray Demonstration – Big Acrylics Mikk’s work is about connectedness, the relationships within nature that surround him and his experience within the whole. He has a great interest in ancient woodland and the communities of fungi, insects, animals, birds and plants which live within them.
27-Jan-25 DYOT Members Paint with other members/tea and biscuits Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
10-Feb-25 AGM/Mini Auction
Members Formal AGM & Auction of Art Materials/HDSA Buffet AGM Agenda will be issued in late Jan 24
If any members have any spare art materials which we can include in our auction please let Sara know and we will include them in the catalogue
24-Feb-25 DYOT Members Paint with other members/tea and biscuits Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
10-Mar-25 Demonstration Sarah Miles Watercolour Sea Scapes using textures Sarah is interested in texture within watercolours and brings to life her sea scape paintings with lots of texture from different sources.
12-Mar-25 Committee Meeting Committee Sara’s House – Prep for Art & Craft Fair
15-Mar-25 Workshop TBA    
24-Mar-25 DYOT Members   Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
14-Apr-25 Demonstration Jim Patterson Two Rivers Paper Company Jim is the owner operator of the Two Rivers Paper Company and an accomplished watercolourist and draughtsman. The Two Rivers Company is one of the few commercial hand-mills operating in Europe out of Watchet in Somerset. Jim will explain all about the different types of paper and demonstrate how it is made. Jim will be bringing boxed paper, sketchbooks and individual sheets if you would like to make any paper purchases on the night.
18-Apr-25 Good Friday      
20-Apr-25 Easter Sunday      
28-Apr-25 DYOT Members   Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
05-May-25 May Day Bank Holiday      
10-May-25 BCAF Art & Craft Event Member Stallholders & Volunteers Members can purchase a stall for £10 to sell their handmade art & craft items Opportunity for members to sell their art and craft work to the public in a HDSA Art & Craft Fair with the HDSA Café
12-May-25 Demonstration Anne Guest Cyanotype Technique Presentation Anne will be telling us all about the cyanotype process and her associated art. She is inspired by the beauty, fragility and vulnerability of the natural world.
19-May-25 DYOT Members   Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
26-May-25 Whitsun Bank Holiday      
09-Jun-25 Demonstration Cat Cromford Foliage in Acrylics Cat is a landscape artist who takes inspiration from woodlands across the UK, her woodland scenes are painted in distinctive broken brush marks to create the feeling that you can step straight into the woodlands depicted.
11-Jun-25 Committee Meeting Committee Sara’s House – Prep for Exhibition  
23-Jun-25 DYOT Members   Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
14-Jul-25 Demonstration David Wilcox Watercolour Ballet Dancers David uses many transparent washes to allow only the white of the paper to create highlights, he has interested in dance, landscape, equestrian and figure studies. He will be creating images of ballet dancers for us based on his work with the Birmingham Royal Ballet.
04-Aug-25 Workshop TBA    
11-Aug-25 Demonstration Ian McManus Watercolour Street Scene Ian’s work is all about capturing a moment in time from everyday life, he strives to catch the energy and essence of a location through the lively application of paint using direct brush work.
22-Aug-25 Exhibition Set Up & Cheese & Wine Volunteers for Set Up

Members + 1 for Event

Normal Exhibition Set Up in the Morning & Paintings Hung Afternoon

Evening will be a free event for Members + 1 to enjoy the Exhibition, ahead of the opening on 23 Aug

HDSA Members Preview Night
23-Aug-25 Art Exhibition Member Volunteers Public Exhibition Art Exhibition & HDSA Café Open to the Public
24-Aug-25 Art Exhibition Member Volunteers Public Exhibition Art Exhibition & HDSA Café Open to the Public
25-Aug-25 August Bank Holiday      
08-Sep-25 Demonstration Sue Chatterton Lions in Watercolour Sue is addicted to watercolour and paints many genres but her favourite are animals and portraits. In her demonstration Sue is going to paint two lions for us.
22-Sep-25 DYOT Members   Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
11-Oct-25 Workshop TBA    
13-Oct-25 Demonstration Darren Awang Watercolour Illustrations & Life Stories Darren works in occupational health and is interested in art for well-being. He creates stories of people’s lives using street scenes as well as providing illustrations for art work and books. Instagram Dazzler.18
22-Oct-25 Committee Meeting Committee Sara’s House – Christmas Events, Fees for 2025 Programme  
27-Oct-25 DYOT     Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
10-Nov-25 Demonstration Alix Almond Linocut Printmaking Techniques Former teacher Alix is now a full time linocut artist focussing on animals and birds and she will explain all about the different linocut print making techniques, materials and tools and show us how to print.
15-Nov-25 Christmas Art & Craft Fair Member Stallholders & Volunteers Members can purchase a stall for £10 to sell their handmade art & craft items Opportunity for members to sell their art and craft work to the public in a HDSA Art & Craft Fair with the HDSA Café
24-Nov-25 DYOT     Relaxed painting and drawing with other members, occasional DYOT special night with members sharing skills and ideas – these will be advised nearer the time
08-Dec-25 Social Evening Members Christmas Quiz or other similar social event with the HDSA Buffet! We are finalising the social event for this December and will give out more information in due course.
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